Training Your Children to Worship Corporately
By Dr . Josh Mulvihill
Gospel-centered , Bible-saturated corporate worship is supremely important for your family and children . Hundreds of worship services with Mom and Dad during the child and teens years is extremely impactful . Let your children see you prioritize gathering for weekly worship over all other life options , singing to God with joy , giving your time and finances to the church , and submitting to the preaching of the Word . Worshipping corporately is critical as it will enable children to develop Christian fellowship and provide opportunities for serving , giving , missions , and engagement in the discipleship ministries of the church . If your children are new to corporate worship , here are a few suggestions that may be helpful as you train your children to worship corporately :
1 . Understand the biblical value of teaching children to worship .
Your child was created to worship God . The prophet Isaiah points out this truth when he says , “ Everyone who is called by my name , whom I have created for my glory ” ( Isa . 43:7 ). Worship is the most critical , the most urgent , and the most glorious action that can take place in a child ’ s life .
Parents carefully teach children many skills necessary to become a mature adult . We teach children how to be financially responsible , cook and clean , care for our bodies , work hard , and develop good relationships with other people . As important as these skills are , there is no greater task in life than training a child to worship God . This is true in congregational life as well as in the home .
Worship is the term we use to describe how we intentionally express the worth of God . God is worthy of our praise and honor in all places and at all times . We instinctively join with the cry of the Psalmist : “ Oh come , let us worship and bow down ; let us kneel before the Lord , our Maker ” ( Ps . 95:6 ).
Although it is natural to have a consciousness of God , children do not innately know God or worship Him without the assistance of parents . The knowledge of God must be awakened because every child ’ s mind is capable of a dispassionate belief in God , and the heart is capable of focusing its affection on the wrong source . Congregational worship helps children develop a great and grand view of God , so their heart is not captivated by lesser gods .