Our Vision
See culture transformed by giving millions
of new children a biblical worldview.
Our Mission
PROMOTE the cause of biblical worldview
SUPPORT the cause of biblical worldview
education by supporting Christian schools,
homeschools, and ministries reaching public
school students.
EXPAND the cause of biblical worldview
education by being a catalyst to start new
Christian schools, homeschools, and minis-
tries reaching public school students.
Our Next Step
See 100,000 children developing a biblical
worldview by the end of 2020 through our
seven divisions of ministry.
Learn more at
Through these seven divisions of ministry,
we will reach 100,000 children by 2020.
Year 2020 Year 2029 Year 2040
Promotion 40,000 225,000 1,050,000
Christian School Startups 7,500 125,000 500,000
Christian School Revitalizations 30,000 200,000 800,000
Scholarships 5,000 100,000 350,000
Church and Family Ministry 12,500 300,000 2,000,000
Christian Homeschool Support 1,500 45,000 200,000
Manderley Christian Camp & Conference Center 3,500 100,000 350,000
100,000 1,095,000 5,250,000