Dr. Josh Mulvihill
E ARE VERY EXCITED to welcome Dr. Josh Mulvi-
hill to our Renewanation leadership team. Josh will
be serving as our Executive Director of Church and Family
Ministries. This ministry is tasked with the mission of equip-
ping churches and parents to better develop a biblical world-
view in the hearts and minds of the children in their care.
Our church and family division will allow Renewanation to
reach many students who attend non-Christian schools.
Josh brings a tremendous resume to his work with us:
• Pastor to Families and Children for 20 years
• Latest assignment: Grace Church, Eden Prairie, MN.
1,200 children in Wednesday and Sunday ministry
• Ministry to hundreds of parents
• Developed church ministries to Christian school and
homeschool families
• Developed church ministries to public school teachers
and families
• Ph.D. in Family Ministry from Southern Baptist Theo-
logical Seminary
• Author of numerous articles, books, and discipleship
resources including Biblical Grandparenting; Six Ways
to Help Children Live According to the Bible; Preparing
Children for Marriage: How to Teach God’s Good Design
for Marriage, Dating, Sex, and Purity
• Rooted Kids Curriculum
In Josh’s first year of work with Renewanation he will be
starting and leading a number of key projects:
• Develop a church-based renewal program to help
churches implement a robust biblical worldview train-
ing program for the children in their care
• Develop a biblical worldview test for students
• Create a biblical worldview resource kit for churches
and parents
• Write Core Truths: Teaching Biblical Worldview for
Lifelong Faith with primary focus on parents and grand-
• Write Core Truths for Kids curriculum for churches
• Co-author with Jeff Keaton Deficits: Truths American
Children Don’t Know
• Speak at and host several conferences on grandparent-
ing and parenting
Josh has been married to the joy of his life, Jennifer, for
17 years. They are the proud parents of three boys and two
girls. Jay (2006), Asher (2009), Kate (2011), Jon (2012), and
Emily (2015).
Over the last several years, Josh has served on the Rene-
wanation Board of Directors. Through this involvement, he
began to sense that Renewanation was the perfect vehicle
to accomplish the next phase of the call God has placed
on his life to disciple parents so they can, in turn, disciple
their children.
Stay tuned to all of our Renewanation media outlets to
learn more about how this new ministry division can help
you better disciple the children in your care.