The Renaissance April, 1400 | Page 3


Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci was homeschooled? I feel bad for him must have no friends. I wonder how he’s so talented? He was a mathemetician, scientist, painter, sculpture etc.


Did you hear? Anne Boleyn didn't have a boy. And with King Henry VIII's obssession with having an heir, you know what that means...


Shakespeare is so pretentious, oh my god it's double suicide, not romance. What a loser.


This just in, word on the street is Juliet Capulet has fallen in love with an older man. Is this adorable puppy love or just plain out gross?


Did you hear that Christopher Columbus did not really sail to Asia?


OMG!!! Henry is going to divorce his wife Catherine. Why does he need another wife? He already has her.


Wow, Lutheranism is becoming a huge thing. They are like a swarm of protest-ants


Two women have mysteriously died from tumors around Elizabeth. How scandalous. Tumor giver!


II Sodoma = more homosexuality than a rainbow


OMG, did you hear that Mary Tudor is pregnant with a son?!


Ew Martin Luther. What was he thinking, trying to make his own religion. We all know it's a cult anyway.
