The Renaissance April, 1400 | Page 11

A New Way of Seeing Things

Frescoes, paintings done in a three-dimensional style, are all the rage in Italy. Many of these works of art are commissioned by or for the Catholic Churches. These frescoes are all about the cycle of the life of Christ. Frescoes are the next big step in the world of art. Anyone who sees a fresco will love the realism of it, and maybe even purchase a small painting for themselves. The man who invented this new way of painting is named Tommaso di ser Giovanni di Simone, but he is simply known as Masaccio. The Tribute Money, still being completed, can be seen in the Brancacci Chapel in Florence, Italy. Even when it is still incomplete, you can tell it is Masaccio’s best work so far. This style has opened the gates to a brand new era of art, with the greatest frescoes still waiting to be painted.

by Stephanie Walsh