The Renaissance April, 1400 | Page 10

In Erik Von Kuehnelt-Leddihn’s article about Martin Luther, he says that Martin Luther was a big, proud supporter of Princes in general. He supported decisions that they made no matter what country he was in. Although is someone that is well-known from the Renaissance period, that time in history really started before he was around. He did make an indent in European History and in what Europeans believed in. Being a supporter of the “government” there was a lot at risk for him. He could have been jumped by anyone at anytime.

He supported very different things that a lot of people supported. He thought that is someone tried to rebel against the government, then that person deserved to die. He also thought that the churches should support the person that was currently in power. That would have been ideal for someone to support the government because if they rebel against the government, they are most likely going to lose their life. Martin also believed that people can’t be saved by other people. They are saved by what they believe in and what it says in the Bible.

- The renasance started before martin luther

- Martin luther was shocked was shocked when he went to Rome because of all the influence of Ancient Greeks and Romans (factor in his opposition to the pope)

- Opposed the pope

- The reformation countries there was less interest in beautiful artwork and architecture because it was considered a peagan influence

- example: the painting became a neglegant art in Protestant Germany

- Literature and music were more highly praised

- Luther believed people are saved by faith alone as revealed in the Bible

- He didn’t think that reasoned argument (debate) was as important as faith

- Luther supported whoever the ruler was in a country

- he thought it was important that the churches should support the Princes

- If the rebels had a revolution he would support the Princes in killing the people who were revolting

Martin Luther

by Katie Murphy