The reality of human evolution THE REALITY OF HUMAN EVOLUTION new | Page 40

pre-procedural knowledge, you cannot treat a patient without diagnosis. All of this create human knowledge and build his capacity. Pre-procedural knowledge is essential for analysis of our activities; human knowledge will continue growing through all sources mentioned in this chapter. 4.4 Summary Knowledge is a topic of importance in human evolution. A human being is now an agent of change in the world due to his activities and plans. Knowledge may come from different source as mentioned above and through this knowledge; things are changing quickly, and give new shape of what are happening in current world. We cannot stop acquiring knowledge; they come involuntary due to human needs. Human being is growing in sciences to save him and resist but them we solve existing problems; it is also the way to create new problems. Our natural immunity has changed due to evolution, none can resist to this environment forever, discovery in medicine has changed treatment ways in human population, the knowledge that we have is guide that of changes on the planet. Recently we used herbal medicines to treat people, demographic ratio brought dangers in surroundings, some vegetation destroyed, 37