The reality of human evolution THE REALITY OF HUMAN EVOLUTION new | Page 39

our ideas. Our ideas can be strong through discussion in the group. Discussion can help to improve it and make correction for quality. Evolution of knowledge used this approach where scientists used meeting in conference and seminars to discuss and construct new knowledge about certain situation. Procedural knowing: Procedural knowledge is based on steps to accomplish a certain activities. This about organization to complete a work. It very important to know the order of how to do our activities. Like in the science of medicine in surgery , if you are going to do operation in surgery, better to memorize all steps and their succession. If you do not know, you will kill the patient. This may be achieved through experiences, observations and trainings. Pre-procedural knowing: this kind of knowledge is understandable; if you want to operate a patient firstly you need to know needed materials and how to use them. You have to study the patient carefully to make sure that is eligible for operation. In treatment of disease we do both procedural and pre-procedural knowledge, firstly we have to do diagnosis, and after we apply treatment process. What we do for patient explains well 36