THE REALITIES ABOUT POULTRY The Modern Farm - The Realities About Poultry_Seco | Page 29
and garlic work as antibiotics and there are leaves that can be used as anti
a nti-mite and anti-
parasitic medicines such as ipil-ipil
He or she also does not need to spend any more time cleaning up after them and the coop stays
cleaner for longer.
Disadvantages of the Free Range Method
Ω Free range chickens will often poop everywhere
everywhe re so if there are areas of the farmer’s yard he or
she may not want
ant to get the chicken poop, he or she will have to find a way to block the
chickens from those areas.
Free range chickens will also tend to lay their eggs everywhere which can make it difficult to
collect the eggs.
The chickens may stray into neighboring
neig hboring homesteads and free range chicken farming make
them more prone to predators and disease outbreaks.
The chickens also eat up the greenery so that some parts of the farmer’s yard will be bare whi
can make the farmer’s yard more unattractive.
tific management practices cannot be followed because there is no control over the birds.
range during the day.
Backyard extensive system: : Poultry are housed at night but allowed free-range
They are usually fed a handful of grain in the morning and evening to supplement
s upplement scavenging.
adopt ed where the amount of free spac
space available is
Semi-intensive system: This system is adopted
limited, but it is necessary to allow the birds 20-30
20 30 square yards per bird of outside run.
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