THE REALITIES ABOUT POULTRY The Modern Farm - The Realities About Poultry_Seco | Page 28

Systems of Poultry Farming
Family poultry are kept under a wide range of conditions , which can be classified into one of four broad production systems :
� Free-range / extensive system : This method is oldest of all and has been used for centuries by general farmers , where there is no shortage of land . Under free-range conditions , the birds are not confined and can scavenge for food over a wide area . Rudimentary shelters may be provided , and these may or may not be used . The birds may roost outside , usually in trees , and nest in the bush . The flock contains birds of different species and varying ages .
Advantages of free range method
Ω If a farmer is selling the eggs or the chickens he or she will get a better price as people are willing
to pay more for free ranged chickens and eggs . This is because the eggs and meat taste better , are healthier and are more nutritious with higher levels of nutrients and less fat .
The cost of feed for free range chickens is less because the chickens will eat bugs and greenery when they are outside . A farmer also does not have to spend more getting them grit and rocks as they will find their own grit . Because their diet is so varied , they tend to produce more nutritious eggs . Another advantage to free range chicken farming when raising backyard chickens is that chickens which are free ranged will weed and debug the farmer ’ s yard because they prefer to eat weeds and bugs to store bought feeds . If the farmer has a small garden and need manure , the chicken poop ( guano ) is an excellent manure source which will save the farmer on additional costs . Free range chicken medical costs are cheaper especially if the farmer decides to go with herbal and natural treatments for minor ailments such as lemongrass for detoxification , guava , chilies ,
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