By: Mmagauta Kgang
AHHH to be young: to have boundless
energy and immeasurable potential to
change the world. 'You can be anything you
want to be' they say,..you're beautiful and
all the boys want to be seen with you,
you're hot and the girls faint when you
walk by...fun times yes? yes indeed.
*Mmagauta walks into the room with a big
needle and pops your bubble: oops'. Time
is said to be the most precious commodity
we have and the truth of the matter is, you
wil not be young forever: this is another
phase of your life that will pass. One day
you will wake up and realize the romance
of youth has passed... and on that day, you
will ask yourself: what did I do with my
youth.? you will either kick yourself in the
bum for not being more
productive...or congratulate yourself for
having foresight and making hay while the
sun shines.
School winter break has come and many young
people are taking a break from their
studies,“Taking a break does not necessarily
mean one needs to be idle. While creating a
balance between studying and socialising is vital
to one’s physical and psychological well-being,
it’s just as important to use your free time
constructively,” says Natalie Rabson, marketing
manager at Boston City Campus & Business
According to a survey conducted by Love live
entitled 'Hot Prospects, Cold facts: Survey of
South African youth', the majority of youth in
South Africa are spending time every day
watching television, listening to the radio, and
studying. Sixty-nine percent of young people
watch TV five or more days a week, though
television viewing habits do vary a bit by race as
fewer young Africans (55%) watch television
every day than Indians (89%), coloureds
(82%), and whites (84%).