The Purple Orchid Volume 10, Issue 2- Spring 2014 | Page 7
Chapter and Colony News
Women’s Spa Day a Success
Soror Ruth Walker, President
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
n Saturday February 1, 2014 the
Delta Chapter of Delta Psi Epsilon
Christian Sorority. Inc., hosted their first
official event kicking off the spring 2014
semester. This event was geared towards
the female population at IUP. The event
was entitled A Women’s Spa Day with
limited space available, only allowing the
first 25 Women who RSVP’d to attend.
Throughout the night each women was
given an opportunity to participate in
several stations. Each station was designed to establish and/or enhance a
particular skill. These stations consisted of
arts and crafts, nails, cooking and beauty.
Everyone was able to intermingle with
one another sharing their own unique
skill sets. Soror Shay Williams (Secretary) shared that she enjoyed the diverse
group of women in attendance. “I was
able to truly talk with some women that
I didn’t even know existed on campus”.
Also during the event Shamekia W., the
speaker of the event, talked about “giving up what you were holding on to for
so long, when God has a greater plan
in store for you”. Soror Allison Brown
(Vice President) commented after the
event saying that, “The event was very
successful, we had a lot of young women
who really enjoyed it and not to mention
we had many people asking to attend
even after our quota was achieved. We are
definitely going to have another one this
semester, hopefully we can have a similar
every year”. As the event came to an end,
the chapter sorors along with Soror Felicia Daniel of the Indiana County Graduate Colony, held a raffle to for gifts to the
women. Soror Ruth Walker (President)
concluded that she was “very proud of
the Delta Chapter with our continuous
growth in reaching out to the women on
campus and I pray that we continue to
grow even after I graduate.” |
Honor Through Service
Soror Shannon Coffey, President
Chicago, IL graduates
ith a renewed sense of purpose,
a willingness to serve, and a new
perspective, the Sorors of the Alpha
Omega Chapter were on a mission to
demonstrate that the four foundations
(faith, wisdom, honor, and sisterhood)
were alive and well within our organization. As we narrowed down our choice
of projects for the month of January,
we decided to focus on the foundation
of “honor” and participate in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service in
recorder, encouraging them to continue
practicing so they could make beautiful
music. At another, a rabbi shared information regarding Jewish/Black relations
of which people may have been unaware.
We were treated to the sound of a middle
school choir singing uplifting songs,
the story of Jesse White’s (IL Secretary
of State) involvement during the Civil
Rights Era, and an exciting performance
by the Jesse White Tumblers. All in all,
it was an enlightening, entertaining, and
rewarding experience that will forever be
etched in our memories. When we began,
there had been no knowledge of Delta
Psi Epsilon in Highland Park, but we
made a lasting impression that will not
allow us to be easily forgotten. |
Founders’ Day Celebration
Soror Sherrea Duncan, President
Alpha Omega at
MLK Day of Service
our area. We stepped out of our own
backyard and served in an area that was
culturally diverse, which also had no
knowledge of our existence. Upon our
arrival at the Recreation Center of Highland Park, a northern suburb of Chicago, we were welcomed with open arms
and greeted with warm smiles. We were
given our assignments, and off to work
we went, doing whatever needed to be
done. As we lent our helping hands, we
encountered interesting people who were
furthering important causes. At one table,
participants were able to write a personalized message to children in Cambodia
and Ethiopia that would be attached to a
or 15 years, Delta Psi Epsilon Christian Sorority, Incorporated has
endeavored to provide time-tested and
true servant leadership. Each year, we
gather together to honor our founders,
their legacy of leadership and service and
rededicate ourselves to the ideals an d
purposes of our great sisterhood. The
Shreveport City Wide Colony celebrated
Shreveport celebrating
Founders’ Day
Founder’s Day with a sisterhood dinner
at Cheddar’s . Good food and togetherness united in sisterhood.
—Soror Rashawna Flemming |