The Purple Orchid Volume 10, Issue 2- Spring 2014 | Page 4
President’s Perspective
| by Founder Vila-Sheree Watson, National President
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you
will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. ” —Colossians 3:23,24
he idiomatic phrase “putting your best
foot forward” simply means doing or
giving your best and the best of yourself. God
admonishes us in Colossians 3 that whatever
you put your hands to do, “work heartily as
for the Lord and not for men”. Does God
deserve less than our best?
Someone asked me the question recently,
"How do you live when someone has died
for you?" Christ gave up everything when
He went up Golgotha's hill and died on the
cross for each of us. He gave His all, so we
owe Him all of us. That means, we owe Him
As we work and move forward in this life, we
have to keep our focus on Jesus! We have to
understand that His sacrifice was not merely
for salvation, but it was for the life that we
live here on Earth. In "MOVING FORWARD" as a sorority in 2014, that must
include our feet!
We sing the song, I Give Myself Away, but do
we? So often, I hear people say, "Well this is
just me!" or "There's nothing wrong with this
or that [action]..." But, why would we have
any encumbrance between us and living the
way that God would have us live. Wouldn't
you rather err on the side of right? We owe
Him to put things down and to pick up His
cross. The Bible tells to, “Lay aside every
weight and the sin that so easily besets us,
and let us run with patience the race that is
set before us, looking unto Jesus the author
and finisher of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:1,2)
That’s the first step in putting our best foot
forward! #FORWARD 2014 |
Kappa Omega (Wilmington, NC)
Alpha (designated for the founders)
Beta (Southeastern Louisiana University)
Gamma (Bethune-Cookman University)
Baltimore City-wide (Maryland)
Delta (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
Birmingham Undergraduates (Alabama)
Alpha Omega (Chicago, IL)
Chicago Undergraduates (Illinois)
Beta Omega (Washington, DC)
East Carolina University
Gamma Omega (New York, NY)
Indiana County Graduates (Pennsylvania)
Delta Omega (Philadelphia, PA)
Memphis City-wide (Tennessee)
Epsilon Omega (Dallas, TX)
Middle Tennessee State University
Zeta Omega (Atlanta, GA)
Richmond Metro Area (Virginia)
Eta Omega (Virginia Beach, VA)
Shreveport City-wide (Louisiana)
Theta Omega (Birmingham, AL)
Southwest Georgia
Iota Omega (Miami/West Palm Beach, FL)
Tennessee State University