The Purple Orchid Volume 10, Issue 2- Spring 2014 | Page 3

Purple Orchid The Readers’ Guide READER’S GUIDE The Purple Orchid is the official publication of Delta Psi Epsilon Christian Sorority, Inc. Its mission is to reflect the CU experience, to bring the purpose and shared values of Delta Psi Epsilon to life; to instill and sustain pride in the sorority; to educate and minister to the undergraduate members, alumnae and others interested in the sorority; to maintain a historical record of the activities of the sorority, its chapters and colonies, and its members; and to present current issues affecting women, the sorority, the church, and the Greek system. RECEIVE THE PURPLE ORCHID The Purple Orchid is downloadable from the sorority’s Yahoo list serve and via the sorority’s official Web site at If you are not a subscriber to the sorority list serve or would like to receive The Purple Orchid in your personal e-mail box, please write to postmaster@deltapsiepsilon. com. SEND A LETTER TO THE EDITOR We always welcome your comments (both positive and negative) about this publication. Send letters to the editor via e-mail. Please include your name, chapter or colony and year of initiation. The Purple Orchid reserves the right to publish any letter addressed to the editor. Letters may be edited for space and clarity. GET PUBLISHED All members are encouraged to submit news and stories to The Purple Orchid. Tell us about your accomplishments, events, and experiences and please include photographs. Photographs should not be embedded in Word documents and should be sent as separate attachments. Photos should be at least 300 dpi to be published. NATIONAL OFFICERS Founder Vila-Sheree WATSON National President Founder Nicole GARDNER National Internal Vice President Soror Angela WILLIAMS National External Vice President Soror Stacey BROWN National Treasurer Founder Carla GRIFFITH National Secretary Soror Tahir KINSEY National Parliamentarian Soror Wilberta MCCOY National Director for Protocol Soror Aisha GULLETTE Executive Assistant to the Natl President When contributing to any section of The Purple Orchid, please submit the following: Name | Chapter Initiated Season Initiated | Current Chapter Current Role/Office | Current photo