6 • The Spirit of Providence
by Deacon Greg George
Whatever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters, you do for me. (Matt. 25:40)
Senior Gateway Participants
Ride in Style
The Providence DePaul Center Senior
Gateway (SGW) program has new wheels!
Thanks to the generosity of the Waco
Foundation, Providence was granted
$47,000 to purchase a new 15
passenger mini bus to replace their
older “aging” bus.
SGW is a specialized intensive outpatient
treatment program that was developed
to address the sometimes troublesome
changes associated with getting older.
Senior Gateway participants receive three
hours of therapeutic group programing
overseen by quality mental health staff and
doctors, a nutritious lunch and transportation
as needed. Transportation consistently ranks
as a top concern for seniors and is often a
barrier for services. As a way to reduce
barriers to quality mental health services,
Senior Gateway offers transportation for those
who are unable to provide transportation on
their own.
Having the new van will allow SGW to
regain full operating capability by providing
quality, reliable transportation to seniors in
our community.
ometimes, those of you who work at Providence might wonder, “What does a chaplain
do?” Sometimes, we as chaplains, wonder the same thing, too. Our role as caregivers is
different than many other caregiver responsibilities at Providence. Ours is that of a particular
presence, a compassionate, non-anxious presence, which seeks to build relationships of trust and
provide support to patients, residents, families, volunteers and our entire network staff.
Hopefully, the caring presence we bring aids in healing the body but, moreover, encourages
the healing of spiritual, social and emotional conflicts as well. Changes in modern healthcare affect
our ministry, too. We don’t get a lot of time to spend with individual patients. They are usually
here only one or two days, s ??H]?H?\??\??Z\??YY?[?HY??X?]?[H[??\YK??H??????[H[???X??]]?[H?]?\??\?H??\??[?[??[[?HY?\??Z\?[?\??[??[?]?]H[H??X\????YX[?[??[?\???H??Y?Y??X?[[Y\???\?[???\?]X[?\?K?[[????H[??\?\??]X][??[??Y[??[??Y?H?\?K?[Z[H[??[][?[\??Y\??\?X]?[Y[??[?Y?[??H\?X?]?H???[][?\?H\?X[\?X\?[??X??\Z[??\?H?[?[????Y??H?[?X?[\??[YX?][?