The Pulse 2023 04.14.23 | Page 8

The New SpectrumReach . com Proves Less Is More

Learn how the new site is performing & get the latest updates , plus what ’ s to come .
As the digital landscape continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace , we recognize the importance of having a best-in-class online presence . We ended 2022 by launching a new website with a modern design , faster load times , intuitive navigation , enhanced functionalities , and engaging content . Now , in 2023 , business has already been significantly impacted by our new website , which has 80 % fewer pages ( from 962 to 172 ) than the old site with all-new , high-quality content SEO has increased traffic ; dynamic content has increased qualified leads ; and conversion rates have increased .
Metrics Highlights
• As a result of improved SEO , we have seen a 26 % increase in organic search traffic
• The average length of time spent on our website has increased by 14 %
• 95 % of leads have been linked to form fills . Chat , phone calls , and form fills are our three main conversions .
• Our overall traffic is converting almost 4X more than it did last year : 0.26 % in 2022 vs . 0.82 % in 2023 , so far
• Since launch , 4,803 users have completed the quiz . The addition of interactive dynamic components has increased content engagement throughout the site .
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