The Prophet | Page 2


Freshmen Day of Recollection

by Grace Gelcius

Peer Ministry hosted another great Freshman Day of Recollection on April 17. The freshman class experienced their first Day of Recollection and set the tone for more to come throughout their years at Union Catholic. The class bonded, played games, ate, and most importantly, had fun.

This year, theme for the Freshman Day of Recollection was roller coasters and the day was driven by the saying “life is a roller coaster and God lays the tracks.” Each group was assigned a team name based on rollercoasters, such as Kingda Ka or Nitro, and stayed in that group all day for the activates. Emotional speeches given by peer ministers focused on the irregularity of life and how God has it all planned. Dana Couto ’15, Steven Guastamacchia ’15, Haleigh Rojek ’16, and Samantha Soto ’15 all made amazing speeches that everyone really enjoyed and responded to. There were amazing discussions where students were really able to open up and learn more about each other.

There were of course a lot of games played. Students participated in games such as the classic hoola-hoop game and the numbers game, where the students have to get in groups of a specific number. There were also some fun trivia games such as Trivia Crack with categories such as Entertainment, Union Catholic, and Amusement Parks. To see how well the students knew each other they also tried to guess the favorite movies of the people in their group. The Signature Squares game involved the whole class running around trying to find someone who fit in the description of the square. “It was great,” explained Ashley Ferrigno ’18. “I loved it!” These games really helped everyone bond plus they were a lot of fun!

Even though the freshmen were new to the Days of Recollection, they picked it up very quickly and their spirit made the day extra special. Everyone was really open and supportive of each other’s opinions. The participation was amazing and everyone had a great time. “I was so happy that everything turned out great!” cheered Peer Coordinator Dana Couto ’15. “It was an awesome Day of Recollection.”

Overall, the day was a huge success and everyone had a great time! Hopefully the freshman class continues to enjoy their days of recollection in the coming years. The truly embodied the core values of Union Catholic and embraced the meaning of the day.