The Prophet - March/April 2022 March / April | Page 25

Alcohol-Related Automobile Accidents

Every 50 minutes, one person is killed at the hands of a drunk driver. This might not sound like much; however, these numbers quickly add up over time. In the US, there are more than 100,000 alcohol-realted auto deaths per year. The statistic is scary for new drivers on the road, especially after finding out that 12 states do not have laws against drinking and driving.

The five leading causes of death among teenagers are accidents (unintentional injuries), homicide, suicide, cancer, and heart disease. The National Vital Statistics System-Mortality states that “accidents account for nearly one-half of all teenage deaths.” These numbers are insanely high, concerning adults and teenagers alike. Although consuming alcohol under the age of 21 is illegal, teenagers do it anyway. Drivers' education classes provided in schools impress upon students the gravity of the dangers related to drinking and driving. “I know people who drive not sober, and it’s quite terrifying. I worry about them and whoever is on the road with them," shared one Union Catholic junior. In addition to drunk driving being illegal, it can be lethal for those around them.

New Jersey governor, Phil Murphy recently legalized the recreational use of marijuana; however, marijuana has many side effects that can be harmful while driving. These side effects include hallucinations, increased heart rate, and disorientation. Similar to alcohol, recreational marijuana can negatively impact those around the user.  Cponsequently, the governor emphasized that even though marijuana is now legal, those under the influence are not allowed to operate motorized vehicles.

As summer approaches, and more teenagers are out on the road, parents and teens alike are hoping that they stay safe out on the road.

By: Adela Rakoski '23