The Prophet - March/April 2022 March / April | Page 24

Climate Change; It Effects More than the Weather

By: Caitlin Farago '23

The Earth is such a beautiful place, and it is sad to see that it is slowly disappearing because of the effects of climate change. Climate change has been rapidly transforming our world, and in the past couple years, the world has evolved a lot.

Climate change is caused by humans and their humanity accelerated burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Climate change also triggers hardships in our world, such as droughts, floods, and extreme temperatures, making humans suffer, not just from the damage of those things but also through the negative impact on crops and agriculture. In the past 10 years, there have been 21% more droughts in the United States, and it is predicted that by 2040, the world will run out of water. In the past century, the temperature has risen two degrees Fahrenheit and carbon dioxide levels have risen 46%. These are extreme changes.  

The main threats of climate change are increasng temperatures, rising sea levels, ecosystem collapse, and more frequent severe weather. Because of the effects of climate change, the human population, which is rising 1.1% a year, has changed. In addition, the animal population has changed. Many animals are starting to lose their homes because of deforestation and ice melting. There are exactly 30,000 species a year losing their habitats. According to some studies, one third of the animals and plants around today could be extinct by 2070.  It is essential that humans do their part to mitigate the damage.

It’s so sad to see that our beautiful world is slowly falling apart, there are so many things humans can do to help save our Earth and the animals in it, so everyone should take action to help stop or limit climate change.

A Union Catholic junior said, "I am in enviormental class and since then I've been very concerned about the enviorment and do my best to clean up the earth when I can."