THE POTTING SHED UK May 2013 | Page 18

Peter Beales Roses

Stand GPD16



London Road, Attleborough, Norfolk NR17 1AY


Dunham Massey (‘Beajelly’)

An addition to Peter Beales’ Manor House Collection, this shrub rose produces medium-

sized, fully double, quartered, candy pink blooms

which are borne in clusters. The cultivar

was commissioned by The National Trust to coinci

de with the opening of the new rose garden at Dunham Massey. Foliage is light to mid green; fragrance is subtle. Can be grown in a mixed border or as a specimen plant.

Height: 4ft. Spread: 3ft.


Gisela’s Delight (‘Horpink’)

The large marshm allow pink, fully double, high

-centred blooms of this compact shrub rose are complemented with dark green foliage. Gisela’s Delight was purchased by Professor Dr Karl-Werner Schulte as a surprise birthday gift for his wife Gisela. Suitable for all borders and flowers are particularly good for cutting. Height and spread: 3ft.

Millias Nurseries

Stand GPF8



Crosswater Farm, Crosswater Lane, Churt, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 2JN


‘Juditha’ (also sold as Rhododendron

Bohlken’s Juditha)

Produces a profusion of bright yellow flowers with red markings from mid May, making it more striking than other yellow R. yakushimanum

hybrids, which have tended to be much paler

yellow and only suitable for more sheltered areas. Bred at Bohlken’s Nursery in Northern Germany, this compact cultivar is strong growing and

very hardy.

Height 2.5ft in 10 years.

Hardy’s Cottage Garden Plants

Stand GPC11



Priory Lane Nursery, Freefolk Priors, Whitchurch, Hampshire, RG28 7NJ


Grandiflora ‘Summer Magic’

Affectionately nicknamed ‘Bertie’ by breeder

Malcolm Spencer, N.‘Summer Magic’ flowers freely and continuously from May to September. Its

compact and sturdy habit, characterised by neat,

compact and bushy dark green foliage, make it a

robust garden performer. Best position planted on the edge of the border next to a pathway in

a sunny aspect. Height and spread: 40cm.


‘Fanfare Blaze’

Characterised by eye-catching pinwheels of warm orange, tubular blooms, G.‘Fanfare Blaze’ has a long flowering period from April to September.

Foliage is hairy greyish green and grows with a

compact mounding habit. Happiest in full sun and well- drained soil, this cultivar is drought tolerant once established and is suitable grown in containers, beds and borders.

Height: 30cm. Spread: 45cm.

Trewidden Nursery

Stand GPF11



Buryas Bridge, Penzance, Cornwall, TR20 8TT



This cultivar developed into a multi-branching form that keeps its colour during winter months following the crossing of A.‘Zwartkop’,

A.simsii × A.‘Zwartkop’, and A.balsamiferum

. Drought tolerant and low maintenance but requires frost protection in winter months. Compact habit. Ideal for growing in containers.

Height: 60cm. Spread: 45cm.

Harkness Roses

Stand GPG10


Address: Rose Gardens, Cambridge Road, Hitchin, Herts, SG4 0JT


The Simple Life (‘Hartrifle’)

Part of a breeding programme to increase plant health, this climbing rose has proven resistance to powdery mildew, downy mildew, black spot and

rust. Thrives on all but the most exposed north-

facing sites. White blooms tinged with hints of pink are produced throughout the flowering season, even between main flushes. Attractive golden stamens are displayed above orange styles. This cultivar is particularly bee-friendly.

Height: 8ft. Spread: 7ft

Penhow Nurseries

Stand GPE2


Address: Carrow Hill, St Brides Netherwent, Caldicot, Gwent, NP26 3AU


‘Aurora Dark Pink’

The development of this cultivar is the culmination of a 25 year breeding programme to introduce a April 18, 2013 11 fully hardy, semi-

evergreen diascia with upright vertical flowering

stems. It is fully hardy down to -15°C, sports striking vertical stems on a tidy, compact habit and has a flowering season that lasts from April to

September. I deal for the cottage border and in

containers , it can be grown in full sun or part shade and is tolerant of most soil types. Cut

back by half at the end of March/beginning of April to promote healthy growth. Height

and spread: 30cm