The Post-Industrial, Post-Modern Theory of Value and Surplus-Value (Deconstructing the Marxist Fetishism of value) | Page 22

unquantifiable value within itself , which permeates and saturates the capitalist modes of production , consumption and distribution ( see diagram on page 4 above ), shaping it , moulding it , expanding it etc .
Creative-power , a broader term embodying the limited Marxist definition of labor-power within itself , is more equipped to explain post-industrial socio-economic phenomena because it first and foremost starts with the fact that value and price do not equate , contrary to Marx ’ s argument , due to the fact that general-value has unquantifiable characteristics and magnitudes . Creative-power as the source of general-value , i . e . quantifiable value and unquantifiable value , can never equate price and value in the sense that which is unquantifiable , that which skews the categories , always inevitably unhinges and detaches equalization , including total price and total value , from all balanced measurements . Creativepower detaches price and value from one another to such an extent that in fact the two never correspond in theory and / or in actuality . Moreover , because general-value embodies both quantifiable and unquantifiable value , as a concept , it can never be a scientifically numeric corporeal finite sum , as Marx argues , due to the fact that it is something which is nebulous with loose undefined margins , with both finite and indefinable qualities , depending on the perspective . As a result , because in effect general-value cannot be objectively and scientifically finalized ad infinitum , although many like Marx have tried , it cannot be finalized within any equation and / or equivalency , which genuinely seeks to explain real socioeconomic phenomena . Value , i . e . general-value , and creative-power have the capacity for unpredictability , simultaneity , plurality and incomprehensibility that can never truly conform to the scientific rigors of seconds , minutes , hours , days and weeks etc . Consequently , this fundamental fact invalidates Marx ’ s economic model , if one wants to truly get at the kernel of real socio-economic phenomena , namely , value , price , profit and wage , despite the fact that Marx ’ s economic model and his analysis of capital are priceless jewels , indicative of his enormous creative-power .
Specifically , price , value , profit and wage are determinations that are never categorically fixed or stable . They are flexible slippery categories subject to loose flexible margins , governed by loose temporary network-structures and conceptual-perceptions , which are devoid of outside laws and / or any overarching law of value . Price , value , profit and wage are socially constructed . They are socially constructed through : 1 . network-formations ( corporate-formations , union-formations , friendshipformation , general networking etc .); 2 . Managerial techniques , both individually ( such things as positive thinking and notions of self-worth ), and collectively ( such things as cultural assumptions , professional assumptions , branding , race , gender , age , intelligence etc .). And finally and most importantly , 3 . price , value , profit and wage are socially constructed within and through conceptual-perception . Conceptualperception is in essence the blast furnace and storehouse of price , value , profit and wage determinations , both individual conceptual-perception and / or collective conceptual-perception .
This is so , because creative-power , which produces general-value , always influences price , value , profit and wage in unquantifiable manners , thus breaking any chance of value , price , profit and wage ever corresponding together , for an extended period of time , in a rational mechanistic predictable economic model . As a result , due to the influence of creative-power upon capitalist production , consumption and distribution , value , price , wage and profit are arbitrary social constructs , they are determinations socially constructed through underlying struggles and tug of wars rather than any rational mechanistic economic calculations based on objective scientifically quantifiable values and / or capitalist laws . Although , many representatives and personifications of the logic of capitalism and the logic of Marxism attempt the contrary , via various manners and economic forms , so as to influence people to accept the narrow confines and definition of scientifically quantifiable value and labor-power .
Due to the influence of creative-power upon capitalist modes of production , consumption and distribution , contrary to Marx , rarely does 1 + 1 = 2 , it is best to think of capitalism as something where 1 + 1 = 3 , or 4 , or 5 , or any other irrational number that defies explanation ; since , capitalism is foremost an ideational comprehensive framework laid unto reality , producing verities that are logical only within its