Twenty years ago , it would have been illegal for me as a teacher to even speak about LGBTQIA + issues in schools , to prevent homophobic bullying , or to support young people tackling the complicated question of their own sexuality .
This year once again , and for the first time since the pandemic , I walked in the York Pride parade with a group of students from Pocklington School , behind a banner that had our school crest at its centre . 6000 people walked , and thousands more stood by and cheered in support of the LGBT + community ( special mention must go to the Orchard House contingent , who managed to be the loudest thing I have ever heard at a pride parade …!).
The students who represented Pocklington School were from a range of year groups and social circles , and they attended to show support for a cause and a movement that we as a school have embraced .
Such huge progress has been made in recent years , and we are on the cusp of turning the page on a dark chapter in our history .
As our school ’ s LGBT + advocate , I am proud to be a part of the progress we are making for young people .
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