The Pocklingtonian 2020/21 | Page 61

‘ Run , Pock , Run !’ saw over 200 members of our community , ranging from our pre-prep children to the headmaster , plus Pocklington parents , take on a running challenge in which they chose a distance to cover in a limited number of runs .
The event was not just a physical challenge , but was also in support of our mental wellbeing – something really important whilst living through a national lockdown , and so , on top of the physical fitness that was earned , it is great to see that the t-shirts and bobble hats which many people achieved are now being worn with pride around school and further afield !
Throughout the period of remote learning from January to March this year , we were bowled over by the enthusiasm and motivation of our pupils ( and even some parents !) who got involved in our remote co-curricular programme . Early morning fitness sessions with Miss Hird were a huge hit with boys , girls , parents , and even pets . The virtual sports coaching sessions in all of our major team sports were a great way for our young people to keep their eye-in during lunchtime breaks from lessons .
We saw remote debating , Greek , and mindfulness sessions , which were all well attended . We hold our extracurricular activities in such high regard at Pocklington ; these sessions meant we were able to continue doing so , even when we were not physically together , and the response we received in return was outstanding !