The Pocklingtonian 2019/20 | Page 5



Memory is a strange thing . How we store memories , lose them , regain them and recall them is a subject of endless fascination and complex theory . One of my favourite authors , Kazuo Ishiguro ( Remains of the Day , Never Let Me Go , A Pale View of the Hills ) wrote :
“ Memories , even your most precious ones , fade surprisingly quickly . But I don ’ t go along with that . The memories I value most , I don ’ t ever see them fading .”
I suspect this is true in a double-edged way of the last year at Pocklington School . The turbulence and difficulties of the last seven or so months will be seared onto our collective memories for years to come but , at the same time , many “ precious ” moments will also stand out .
Welcoming pupils back at Summer half-term and at the start of Michaelmas 2020 , hilarious anecdotes from video calls during our period of remote learning and of course the wealth of supportive and positive feedback from parents , pupils and teachers alike during this period will live long in my mind .
Our memories also serve to instruct our future . What we learn from our past , what mistakes we make and what successes we achieve help us to craft our approach for our future . This is true now more than ever with changes swirling around us in all walks of life .
Over the past seven months , my colleagues have shown an incredible preparedness to adapt and respond to this changing world whilst not losing sight of that which we value here at Pocklington School .
One constant that can be relied upon is the commitment of our staff and pupils in doing all they can to make the most of their time here at Pocklington . I challenge any reader to come away from this magazine without a sense of opportunity being grasped by many in our community .
And so it is with great delight that I welcome you to this latest edition of The Pocklingtonian ; a treasure trove of memories of the past year that will enthrall , entertain and enthuse you all . This is more than a simple “ look back ”; it is also a way of reminding of us much that we value at Pocklington and how , whatever the future holds , we will always treasure our past whilst looking to the future .
Toby Seth Headmaster
“ Over the past seven months , my colleagues have shown an incredible preparedness to adapt and respond to this changing world whilst not losing sight of that which we value here at Pocklington School .
One constant that can be relied upon is the commitment of our staff and pupils in doing all they can to make the most of their time here ...”
Printed on paper from responsible sources .
Keep a lookout for the Lockdown Learning icon throughout this edition of The Pocklingtonian , highlighting projects , creativity and curriculum activities during the Covid-19 Lockdown .