The Pocklingtonian 2019/20 | Page 4



In the whole history of The Pocklingtonian magazine ( and a mighty long one it is !) never has there been one which reflects such a strange world ; one where pupils are at home and the school is on lockdown ; where the playing fields are silent in June and the classrooms unusable .
My thanks to the dedicated team of Grace Beckett , Jasper Law and Ben Wilkinson who saw this through its first two terms . This has long been a co-production between staff and pupils , with the emphasis firmly on the latter . Much of the content and the decisions are theirs . Thanks also and best wishes to my successors as Editors .
I hope you enjoy the contents and wish you all every success . Alan Heaven


Phoning my Dad in tears with my news , he ’ d found it more probable that I ’ d crashed my car after only the first week since passing my test than that the school had actually asked me to be Head Girl . I would finally have to end my days of living off the cuff and improvisation and come to terms with the word ‘ organisation ’. Yikes !
The first week of term was definitely the most challenging as you are faced with the first of many tests : your first meeting with the headmaster , the first rotation of the prefect rota , a first encounter with a rowdy first year who has no intention of queuing single file and the hardest thing , girls and their jewellery !
Being at Pock School for 9 years gave me plenty of time to explore the different extracurricular opportunities . I can safely say that House Music is the best event of the year with several hundred students coming together to sing ( rather shockingly if we ’ re honest ) an absolute classic song that we all know and love . For one week of the year , maths homework is forgotten about and teacher ’ s wraths are suppressed by the students favourite free ticket , “ priority week ”.
Having said that , playing for the Pock 1st XI hockey team for four years will always be something I look back on in years to come with a genuine smile on my face . I cannot say a big enough thank you to the two main hockey coaches who have pushed me to be the player I am today : Mr Tyrrell for showing me the ropes on day one , inspiring me with his passion and commitment and Mr Byas who had unwavering confidence in me and my abilities , forever challenging me to be better .
With the help of Michael and a super prefect team , my job this year was far more enjoyable and fun than anything else . Finally , I wanted to say the biggest well done to Kobby and Grace who I know will be fantastic in the year ahead . You will also be pleased to hear that I did eventually come to terms with the word ‘ organisation ’ which my parents still don ’ t quite believe . Despite this , my knack for improvisation and off the cuff nature will never fully abandon me . You know what they say though , practice makes perfect !
Hebe Quinney


It ’ s incredible to think that my 11 year Pocklington journey has come to an end . I have many wonderful memories to take away from my time here .
I would like to start by thanking both Mrs Scott-Somers , Mr Andrews and their departments for their continual support and for encouraging my penchant for languages , from extra help sessions to fantastic foreign forays . Thank you .
For me , sport was never something I was interested in until I tried it out and started playing . The days of rugby matches ending caked in mud will long live in my memory , along with our NatWest bowl run to the final in fourth year and our unbeaten tour of South Africa in 2018 , both coached diligently by Mr Wheeler .
I loved taking part in music at school and , ever since I picked up my first real six string , I have really enjoyed playing in bands across school , the highlight being in the house music competitions .
I cannot recommend highly enough continuing in the CCF section after fourth year , especially in RAF with Mr Dare and Mrs Everatt . Getting to fly an aeroplane and do a loop the loop , as well as training and competing in competitions , is unbelievably great fun , as well as excellent for developing things like communicative skills .
If there was one piece of advice I would give , it would be to throw yourself into the abundance of opportunities available to you here . There is something for everyone and you will never know if you don ’ t try it .
Finally , I ’ d like to congratulate all the new U6th prefects on their new positions . I wish Grace , Kobby and their team all the best for the coming year . I am sure you will smash it even in these unprecedented circumstances .
Which only leaves to say , au revoir , adios , auf wiedersehen , arrivederci , до свидания and to any passing centurions , valete .
Mikey Smith