Paul Judge joined the Music Department
in September 1993 as teacher of electric
guitar, and for over 25 years he has
given countless Pocklington students
have been inspired by his teaching.
Paul has been a visible presence in the
school; always making time to come
into the staff room, attending concerts
each term, and leading the Soul Band or
Guitar Group with characteristic ease.
greatly enjoyed his company and his
skills in productions, including the 500th
anniversary Foundation Play.
Furthermore, we have all had the benefit
of hearing Paul perform at garden
parties where he has entertained us with
his blues guitar and vocals.
All of us wish him a long and healthy
retirement, doubtless filled with much
His contribution to Drama at school
has also been invaluable. We have all
Kate Harrison-Ledger - joined the
Music Department in September 2007
as teacher of piano. Throughout her
time at Pocklington she has taught
some of our most able pianists, and
can boast several successes at grade 8.
She has also acted as accompanist for
Associated Board Music Exams and
prepared some A Level students for their
practical component of the exam. Kate
also performed in our Music Society’s
performance of Carmina Burana – a
We say a fond farewell and happy
retirement to Reverend Jan Goodair,
who has been Chaplain to both staff
and students for four years, as well as a
Teacher of Religious Studies.
We shall greatly miss her- especially
the love and care she has shown to all,
her sense of humour, and her comical
anecdotes about her cats (we shall
never forget her sermon about her
“resurrected” cat which had no teeth!)
She often began her lessons with
mindfulness (which her students
will remember as FOF BOC HOL),
KATE HART benefit of her patience and experience
in the teaching of woodwind. She has
taught recorder, flute, oboe, clarinet,
sax, bassoon…and even piano! She has
also taught music theory lessons, run a
clarinet choir, played in the flute choir,
and supported many students through
preparing them for, and accompanying
them in music exams.
Kate Hart joined the Music Department
in April 2007 as teacher of woodwind.
Throughout her 12 years at Pocklington
she have given countless students the Kate is retiring to spend more time with
her grandson, and we are indebted to
her support of the school and wish her
every happiness in her retirement.
reminding them of the importance of
positive mental well being each day.
Her love of the colour purple could be
seen everywhere- even in her marking! her the very best for the future.
thrilling two-piano version where she
and Tom Taylor wowed the audience
with their dexterity! Kate leaves to
further her academic research and we
wish her well in her studies at York
Heather Young
Jan’s gentleness and wit defined her
approach to life: she was a warm,
supportive Chaplain and inspired
everyone she worked with. In the
Church she led with calm confidence
and her speeches reflected her love
of her family and of those around her;
never patronising and always thought-
provoking she was a great asset to the
School community.
Jan was a key member of staff
in Pocklington School - we wish