The plants around us. Volum III The plant around us. Volume III. Etwining project | Page 7
Ribes rubrum The redcurrant is a member of the
English: Redcurrant genus Ribes in the gooseberry family.
Spanish: grosellero
Estonian: Punane sõstar
It is native across western Europe. The
species is widely cultivated and has
escaped into the wild in many regions.
Portuguese: Groselheira-vermelha
Turkish: Kırmızı Frenk Üzümü
Catalan: Riber vermell
It is a deciduous shrub normally
growing to 1–1.5 m tall, occasionally
2 m.
Arching to dangling clusters of 8 to 20
stalked flowers, one or more clusters
arising from leaf axils. Flowers are
about ¼ inch across, saucer-shaped
with 5 inconspicuous, erect, creamy to
pinkish petals. Alternating with the
petals are 5 stamens with creamy
colored, dumbbell-shaped tips
Fruit is a shiny, smooth, bright red
berry ¼ to 3/8 inch in diameter.
Leaves are 1 to 4 inches long,
coarsely toothed, straight to heart-
shaped at the base, with 3 to 5
primary lobes that may be again shall
shallowly lobed. Veins are prominent
and radiate from the base.
Anita Kuld, Häly Ringo, Noemi Monne
Cabrera, Lucia Romero Buisan, Alberto
Calatrava, Lucca Murguia