The plants around us. Volum III The plant around us. Volume III. Etwining project | Página 6

Ribes rubrum
English : Redcurrant Spanish : grosellero Estonian : Punane sõstar Portuguese : Groselheira-vermelha Turkish : Kırmızı Frenk Üzümü Catalan : Riber vermell
The redcurrant is a member of the genus Ribes in the gooseberry family . It is native across western Europe . The species is widely cultivated and has escaped into the wild in many regions .
It is a deciduous shrub normally growing to 1 – 1.5 m tall , occasionally 2 m .
Arching to dangling clusters of 8 to 20 stalked flowers , one or more clusters arising from leaf axils . Flowers are about ¼ inch across , saucer-shaped with 5 inconspicuous , erect , creamy to pinkish petals . Alternating with the petals are 5 stamens with creamy colored , dumbbell-shaped tips ( anthers ).
Leaves are 1 to 4 inches long , coarsely toothed , straight to heartshaped at the base , with 3 to 5 primary lobes that may be again shall shallowly lobed . Veins are prominent and radiate from the base .
Fruit is a shiny , smooth , bright red berry ¼ to 3 / 8 inch in diameter .
Anita Kuld , Häly Ringo , Noemi Monne Cabrera , Lucia Romero Buisan , Alberto Calatrava , Lucca Murguia