The plants around us. Volum III The plant around us. Volume III. Etwining project | Page 48
Thymus vulgaris
English: thyme
Spanish: tomillo
Estonian: tüümian
Portuguese: tomilho
Albanian: trumzë
The flowers of this plant,
usually have a corolla of
white petals, and in
some cases are pink or
light purple. The corolla
of the labiates is very
characteristic, it has
bilabiate petals and the
others are joined at the
The thyme is a very aromatic herb, a dwarf
shrub. Stems are rigid and woody, covered
with white hairs. The leaves are narrow and
tiny, of curved margin and backs felted. The
flowers can be white to purple, bilabiate, with
straight petaline tube and protruding stamens,
and they are grouped in spikelets or terminal
clusters which are very dense.
Thyme leaves are small,
have a lanceolate or
linear shape and have a
small petiole. These
leaves have aromatic
characteristics and on
the underside, a large
number of light-colored
villi (glaucous leaf).