The plants around us. Volum III The plant around us. Volume III. Etwining project | Page 34
English Name: Rye
Turkish Name: Çavdar
Latin Name: Secale cereale
Spainish Name: Centeno
Portoguese Name:Centeio
Rye (Secale cereale) is an important cereal
crop in the cooler parts of northern and central
Europe and Russia, cultivated up to the Arctic
Circle and to 4000 m above sea level. The
broad area of production includes Russia,
Poland, Germany, Argentina, South Africa,
Canada, and the United States. Rye is
extremely hardy and can grow in sandy soils of
low fertility.
Estonian Name: Rukis
It is more tolerant of drought, cold, and other
adverse growing conditions than are other
cereal crops, is more winter hardy than all
other small grains, and exhibits a greater
amount of fall and early spring growth than do
wheat (Triticum) or Oats (Avena sativa).
Although spring and winter biotypes of Rye
exist, most of the world supply is obtained
from winter varieties
Rye was probably domesticated in eastern Turkey and Armenia,
but more recently than wheat. In all Rye-producing countries
more than 50% of the grain is used in animal feed, but it is also
important in human nutrition. Rye is used in making "black