The Pizza Guys 1 | Page 15

Comparison to similar model

At this moment in time our idea can only be compared to that of Knab Bank. Knab tries to enter the financial sector with a more technology driven strategy. The fact is that they try to enable the customer in gaining more insight in their own financials and there-for offers more expensive bank accounts with all kinds of analy-tical tools. Our bank would be the true facilitator and functions as a depot rather than enabling the customer. In addition the possi-

bility to store cryptocur-

rencies is not available

at Knab


"Knab is fully digital and has no physical locations. Their vision is a financial system without bankers. You are your own banker. In this healthy new financial world you have much better insight in all of you money, current and future. The power is at the customer instead of the bank"

The future bank can cause for disruption in the financial sector. The future bank is then compared to the traditional banks. Why would this future bank succeed? The bank is more technology driven and has the ultimate customer and cost focus. The bank is only the facilitator and the customer manages the traditional bank currently does, them selves. The customer is self-reliant and therefor the bank is cheaper in the end. Because the bank has less products, but delivers extra

value when it come to mana-ging the financials of indivi-duals, the bank can be very transparant about the costs.

This is valuable in times like

this where banks are mistrusted.