The Pioneer Vol. 44, No. 7 | Page 3

Reports & articles Board Update from Juli Kinsman This is an exciting year to serve on the Board of Trustees. We have a committed, energetic, talented, and insightful group of UUPP (Unitarian Universalist Planning People) guiding us through this initial year of strategic planning. Board members were impressed by the level of engagement by members and friends at the Sheltering Flame service on January 19. The six chalice topics generated some common themes from the writing exercise. Here are some of them: Values and Principles: Our USNF mission statement and UUA principles have great meaning, and congregants appreciate when we act on them by welcoming newcomers, offering help to one another, and acting on behalf of social justice and the environment in the larger community. Covenant, Connection and Community: People appreciate the spiritual home they have found here and value deep connections made through involvement in small group activities. Renewal: Our religious education program is highly valued as the way we fulfill our mission to help our children safely learn and grow; and we wish for a welcoming, vital, and sustainable RE program. We also value and wish for a thriving adult education program. Sacred Roots: We appreciate our history and our lovely, historic building; yet we are also aware of its limitations. We wish for effective stewardship, long-term sustainable finances, and a time of living within our means. Sacred Actions: Most of us stress the value of social justice and climate action work that strengthens connections among us, extends our principles into the world, and makes a difference. Many of us strongly believe in caring for one other within our congregation. The Spaces in Between: We highly value the place of music and diversity in our worship experience. Many of us would like to see a single service on Sunday, ongoing support for a more flexible RE program, and meditation sessions. In light of the feedback from this service, the member interviews, and online survey, the UUPP have developed a set of long-range goals for the Society. These are as follows: Goal I - Inspiration and Renewal: Gather in communal reflection and religious experience without doctrine. This goal includes worship that inspires and challenges as well as a renewed, welcoming, and responsive RE program for all kids, youth, and families. Goal II - Community and Covenant: Welcome all to celebrate common values, respect differences, and be present for each other. Respect the worth and dignity of everyone one who enters our doors, assure that members are cared for, keep our members informed, and share our good work with the public. Continued... The Pioneer 3