The Pioneer Vol. 44, No. 7 | Page 2

Notes from the minister “And Then the Rules Changed” Do you remember the advent of email? If you are of a certain age, you might remember when having email was a real choice - something into or out of which you believed you could opt and still be in contact with the rest of the world. The first time I served on the Standing Committee (Board) of my home church, meeting materials arrived in advance of the meeting via the postal system. I remember controversy surrounding the decision to require all Standing Committee members to have (and use) an email account. I receive weekly email articles from the Alban Institute, a well-respected interfaith organization dedicated to serving clergy and congregations through workshops, publications, and one-on-one consultation. Each week, I am reminded that congregations of all types are facing the same kinds of challenges – challenges related to change. “Neophobia (Fear of the New),” “Shifts You Should Know About,” “And Then the Rules Changed,” and “Resilient Congregations” are some recent titles. Congregations are responding to changes in how people spend time, in attitudes towards institutions, in how we receive and share information, and much more. Do you have a Facebook account? You can friend me by looking for Revjanet Bush. I am trying to use my own account and the UNSF Facebook page more. If you haven’t already done so, please “like” our page – that will make sure its messages show up in your feed. And ask to join our group, too. I know that for some of you Facebook is anathema, and for a few it may even be “last year.” But it does seem to be a way through which a billion people, including many of our members, communicate. Ten years hence, will you be reading a “Minister’s Note” that asks: “Do you remember when being on Facebook was a real choice - something into or out of which you believed you could opt?” Or will the rules have changed? As the UU Planning People and the Board sift through the input gathered from the members and friends of this congregation, we are grappling with understanding changes – both internal and external – that affect us. How do we respond? How do we cherish and preserve what is valuable and at our core? What new opportunities await us – opportunities to live our values, deepen our connections, and serve the greater good? What is our part in making sure that Unitarian Universalism remains strong here in greater Northampton? I encourage you to read through the information collected on our website at http:// And even to share your thoughts through our Facebook group! It is a good time to be part of this congregation, and I am grateful to be here with you. TO CONTACT THE MINISTER: Please email or call for an appointment Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays. [email protected]; 584-1390 x202 (office); 727-8497 (home – before 9 pm for non-emergencies) The Pioneer 2