move more
move more
Yoga Pose of the Summer
Arm Under Chest
Promotes lymph circulation around axilla nodes Helps heal scarring muscles and lessens tightness Increases internal rotation and shoulder mobility Strengthens scapula stabilizing muscle Opens and lifts chest Increases ROM of shoulder joints - frozen shoulder Increases internal rotation and shoulder mobility Releases shoulder tension that rounds your shoulders and binds your upper arm
Begin on your back with knees bent in PAR- TIAL RECLINE . A neck roll or pillow can be used for added comfort .
Lift hips up , slide left arm , palm down underneath lower back so you can see finger tips on right side . STOP IF YOU FEEL PAIN . Lower hips down and extend legs .
Relax - breathe into the right side of upper chest until you feel a release in shoulder muscles . Once the shoulder relaxes experiment sliding hand up your back towards shoulder blades .
INHALE , lift arm up and overhead for bigger additional stretch to breast region .
Flow arm back up and down . When ready hold pose for 3 / 5 breaths .
EXHALE lower arm back down , lift hips up and release arm from underneath .
Repeat on other arm . Diana Ross , E-RYT500 www . breastcanceryoga . com
Summer 2013 THE PINK PAPER