The Great White Light
“You won’t believe what happened to me yesterday,” Fayrose Gordon excitedly shares with me on the
phone. “I won the jackpot!” This is typical Fayrose. Perpetually upbeat, with a glowing radiance that
illuminates from within, you’d never know that the ninety-year-old from Camarillo, California is currently
undergoing chemotherapy for Stage 4 breast cancer.
he’s had her fair share of ups
and downs. While undergoing
a round of chemotherapy
in 2008, she met the second love of
her life, Irv, who passed away a few
months ago, following an accident.
But, Fayrose takes this and her
diagnosis on the chin.“Life is about
accepting things,” she says. “If you
don’t accept, it becomes a negative
thing. Accept it, and then say, ‘Now
we have to deal with what you have to
deal with.’”
In her book, The Great White
Light: 60 Second Relief from Stress and
Pain, Fayrose shares the secret to
how she’s successfully managed to
maintain a positive attitude that has
helped her and both her daughters
beat cancer (even with grim diagnoses). “There is a form of unknown
energy that exists around us, in our
world and throughout our universe,”
Fayrose explains. “When you read
someone’s thoughts, or communicate
thoughts and feelings without words
– all this I see as a form of powerful
and untapped energy.” She believes
that using this energy, which she calls
the “Great White Light” is the secret
to handling emotional crisis and
physical pain.
Fayrose credits this “Great White
Light” with inspiring her to keep
going. She says, “In five years of
Stage 4 cancer, I’ve lived a normal
life. I have no pain or symptoms. I
wouldn’t know I have cancer unless
Fall 2013
so enlightening, it’s hard to believe
you told me. It’s amazing – the gift
it’s happening to you.”
of the White Light, and any person
She’d like others who are facing
living can tap into the energy.” She
a diagnosis to know, most imporgoes on to say, “I’m backed up by
tantly, “You are not alone – you
an energy –my Great White
can create your happiness with
Light. The White Light
the energy of your White
is the only thing in the
Light alone. This energy lets
world that takes me from
you change your thinking
one place to the other
and create a new path for
in a positive way. I have
yourself. I went once to a
a choice. I’m responsible
support group and everyone was
for how I choose to react to
so negative, it didn’t help me. So the
anything. I choose only to accept
help comes from within. The White
positive energy. With the support
Light is my support system.” Fayrose
I have from the White Light, I can
goes on to say, “I don’t choose to
relax my body and choose to let in
believe the diagnosis. When the
only positive thoughts. With my body
doctor says you have only a year to
in a state of relaxation, I think more
live – how does he know? No one but
rationally and I can see more things
God can tell me when my time on
more clearly. This energy keeps me
earth is up.”
planning only positive outcomes.”
About being 90 years old Fayrose
Fayrose makes each day count.
shares, “It feels great! I get more
She’s in the pool at 7:00 am doing
compliments now than
laps and exercises three times a
ever! For the first
week which gives her the energy
time in my life,
to enjoy her day. She eats out with
I don’t have a
friends and plays rummy tile a
man by my side.
couple of times a week - a game of
I’m not about
concept. Fayrose believes you have
to enter another
to exercise every part of your body,
and your brain needs exercising too. relationship though. I
have something else to
She also sees her family
work on which is more
and answers calls from
important – my book,
people about her book.
and spreading the mesThe book keeps her gosage of the White Light.
ing because according
The Great White Light is
to her, “When you see
available on Amazon.
your dream come true, it’s