The Philosopher- Final evaluation assignment Jun, 2014 | Page 13

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

In the past issue of The Philosopher there was a beautifully written article about logical fallacies. I can't believe I've been manking such illogical arguments all this time!

This article has been wonderful for explaining how to argue my points properly and I will definitely be using these tips in the future!

-Jane Doe, Toronto, ON

Dear Editor,

I was appalled at the last issue of this magazine and it's aboslutely bias towards the "Is there a God?" debate! I have always respected this magazine for it's neutrality on important issues such as this.

I hope that the magazine regains it neutral ground otherwise you'll be losing some readers!

-Bob Johnson, London, ON

Dear Editor,

I have just recently stumbled across this magazine and would just like to say how much of a fan I am!

I've never come across something quite like this, it's easy to comprehend, even without a prior knowledge of philisophy. As a curious person, it is a great read!

-Jill Jackson, Toronto, ON
