Dialoguing;is it effective?
Dialoguing has been around since the days of Socrates. It is the fundamental part of the Socratic method. Speaking to others, reflecintg, sharing thoughts and ideas are all a huge part of learning and gaining knowledge and furthermore, understanding.
But how effective is dialoguing really? The answer is; extremely! The key to knowledge and understanding is perspective, and what better way to gain new perspective than to share ideas with others? The only way to see a different view than your own is to hear it from someone else. Everyone, even with similar opinions, has something to share.
So go ahead, grab a friend or two, sit down and have a chat. You never know what you'll come up with. Dialogue as much as possible and your view of the world might just change. Broaden those horizons! Learn something new! There's a whole world of Knowledge out there to talk about.