The Perverse Playhouse - Event Evaluation The Perverse Playhouse - Event Evaluation | Page 21

R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S Evaluating events provides essential information that could ensure repeat events are more successful and possibly, cost effective. (Sharples, Crowther, May, & Orefice, 2014). Below are three core recommendations for The Perverse Playhouse should anyone wish to repeat it with a more successful turn out. Three additional alternative recommendations have been added depending on preference and competences of the event manager. However, if four different games were to be used: 1. As additional time in the venue could not be obtained due to financial restrictions, ensure more volunteers (at least 5 more) are acquired for set-up time. 3. Add additional on-the-night income streams including charging for additional escape game entrance. 2. Monitor Social Media marketing strategy further - test out different post styles to see what the target market responds to and adapt the marketing strategy accordingly. 4. Ensure that the agreement with the escape game supplier ensures that the supplier provides all props and equipment needed for the games to function properly. 5. Multiple test games should also be carried out at least a week before the event to provide time for adjustments and adaptation. 3. Run the same escape game in each of the four rooms to simplify designs and operations. 21