The Perverse Playhouse - Event Evaluation The Perverse Playhouse - Event Evaluation | Page 16

19 . 00 - 19 . 15 SIGN IN Sign in was opened early at 6.45-7.15 19 . 30 - 20 . 30 ESCAPE GAME Each game started when the whole group had had their mug shots taken and were in the correct room. This meant that all games did not start at the same time. It worked much better as there was less waiting time for each group and after the game, there was a smoother transition for each group from game room to screening room. 19 . 15 - 19 . 30 MUGSHOTS On time. 20 . 30 - 20 . 45 SEATING PEOPLE, RAFFLE TICKET SALE Started on time but film started early as attendees were ready. 20 . 50 - 22 . 45 FILM Actual time: 20.35 - 22.25 Slightly early and the film was less than two hours. 22 . 45 - 23 . 15 THANK YOU & RAFFLE Actual time: 22.30 - 22.45 These did not take 30 mins and were finished within 15 mins. Although they were not rushed, event managers were conscious that attendees had been sat down for almost 2 hours and their body temperature would have dropped. 00 . 00 VENUE CLEAR The event space was handed back over to the venue by 23.30 and event managers went home. 23 . 30 GUESTS LEAVE All guests were out of the venue by 23.00. 23 . 30 - 00 . 00 DISMISE STAFF The majority of the clear- up took place during the film and the screening room clear up took only a few minutes so volunteers were sent home by 23.10. The event did not run to schedule and actually finished early. It was due to extra time being added around the escape games. All stakeholders actually benefited from the event ending early as all activities had taken place and the venue was getting cold. K E E P I N G T O S C H E D U L E