Volume 13, Issue 01
Page 10
Niagara on the Internet
INTERNET continued from pg. 9
Niagara Facebook Page: This is primarily for non‐crewmembers to find us and communicate with us:
h ps://www.facebook.com/UssNiagaraStarfleet#
Science Fic on Fans of WNY: This page was originally established as a test‐bed for the Niagara’s page, but I
have kept it going and frequently post informa on rela ve to general science fic on.
h ps://www.facebook.com/pages/Science‐Fic on‐Fans‐of‐WNY/104454242944821
Now on to our CafePress store front:
h p://www.cafepress.com/uss_niagara
The CaféPress store is for both members and non‐members to get Niagara swag. Each item purchased pro‐
vides commission to the Niagara, which we use for our fund‐raising efforts. Check it out. If there is something you
want to see, shoot me an email and I’ll see what I can do. CafePress is always expanding the products that can be
customized and sold.
And for those interested, here is the QR Code for the Niagara Website:
And for the Niagara Facebook Page: