Volume 12, Issue 10
Page 9
Book Review
Morale Officer
BITTER GLORY by Jay Allen is a Prequel novella
to his CRIMSON WORLDS series having to do with the
early days of Augustus Garre , the greatest Admiral in
the history of space combat. At least he is in this se?
ries of space combat stories.
At 18, Garre tests for the Academy. Hopes for his admission are low as he’s known as be?
ing a rebel. However, he becomes the ?rst candidate in history to score 100% and, of course, is
number one on the admissions list.
Following a dis nguished Academy career, he rises through the o?cer ranks, being as?
signed to a variety of peace me roles un l the shoo ng resumes once again on the far ?ung
fron er. Garre now ?nds himself the Captain of the Wasp, a fast a ack ship. We might compare
it to a wet Navy’s fast frigate, all weapons, li le armor and fast. As he tries out his uncomfortable
command chair, he watches as the ?nishing touches are applied. I had to laugh to myself over
the uncomfortable command chair. It reminded me of the ?rst season of ENTERPRISE in which
Jonathan Archer complained about his chair.
With all work completed, the Wasp becomes part of three ship strike force, its target, a
raid on an enemy transport hub. Sneak in, strike hard and fast, and try to escape to ?ght another
day. The raid is a semi?success in that two large transports are destroyed
but the command ship of the ?o lla itself is destroyed. As Senior O?cer
by a ma er of weeks, Garre must lead two ships back to friendly space.
Jumping from one gate to another, the strike team ?nds itself facing
a damaged enemy ba leship. Though damaged, the ba leship is s ll a
dangerous adversary, brisling with guns and missiles; it’s pursuing a civil?
ian science ship. Now the command chair becomes more uncomfortable
as Garre must make a command decision, save the civilians, including his
childhood sweetheart, or take out the enemy.
To ?nd the answer, go to Amazon. This novella is only available as
an eBook or audio book.