The Peacekeeper Volume 12, Issue 10 | Page 7

Volume 12, Issue 10 The PEACEKEEPER Page 7 Trivia From the Library Computer RADM Thomas Pawelczak Security & Morale Officer WHO TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE ON INLAND WATERS? The  ?rst prize of the war taken on inland waters was the  unarmed sloop Commencement, a small American mer? chantman carrying a cargo of sale and a crew of four  that was captured about six miles from Bu?alo on lake  Erie on June 27, 1812. word of war had just reached  the Bri sh side of the Niagara Rive (but not the Ameri? can side), and the sloop had innocently set sail into  Lake Erie from Bu?alo when it was captured by two privately armed Bri sh boats and taken to  Fort Erie as a prize of war.  ATTENTION:  Renewing Your Membership at the Beginning of the Year A quick announcement for those folks that need to renew their STARFLEET memberships, especially at the end of December and all of January. CompOps is working on the database in hopes the implementation of the membership option change will be available by January 1st, but there is no guarantee. Members should still continue to renew their memberships in an appropriate time frame with the knowledge that membership processing can take 6-8 weeks for complete processing. If a member does not renew their membership in the appropriate time frame, then they are still subject to the same issues as if the membership option change was not approved or going to happen.