The PawPrint January 2025 The PawPrint January 2025 | Page 2

Robin Hood ’ s Corner

Hi friends , it ’ s me , Robin Hood ! Did you know January 24 celebrates National Change a Pets Life Day ? This day is aimed to raise awareness about shelter animals in need and encourage people to adopt a homeless pet . The great thing about this day is it isn ’ t only life changing for pets , it can change your life for the better too . If you know me , you know my story involved an arrow and how I got my name . I was so thankful to be rescued and end up in the hands of my best friends at the Arlington Animal Services Center . My life changed for the better November 29 , 2021 and I am forever thankful . While you have the ability to change a pets life any day of the year , don ’ t forget to celebrate and help bring awareness to this on January 24 !

Did you know ?

Ways to celebrate and change a pets life :
ADOPT Provide a home to a pet in need .
FOSTER Offer a temporary home to a pet while they look for a permanent one .
VOLUNTEER Help socialize , care for and enrich the lives of homeless pets at the Arlington Animal Services Center .
DONATE Provide financial support for enrichment , medical needs of lost and homeless pets .

In the Field

AWARNESS Spread awareness for pets in need through social media or word of mouth within your community .
Cold Weather tips from Field Supervisor , Crystal Steinborn . With winter and it ’ s cold weather temperatures officially here it ’ s important to remember , if you ’ re cold , they ’ re cold . Please bring your pets inside . However don ’ t be surprised if your extra fluffy friends like huskies and malamutes refuse to come in . They were built for the cold . Also please remember it is never ok to trap animals in extreme cold or hot weather .
During this time of year our team also sees an increase in calls concerning livestock . We want to remind and educate our community that horses actually enjoy colder temperatures and are most comfortable in 18- 59 degrees . Cows , however , need warmer temperatures at 40 degrees or warmer .
We appreciate our community taking an active approach to cold weather temperatures and keeping animals safe this winter season .