How safe
house maid?
Tips & Advice
Wishes Chauke
s your maid someone you trust? Is the name you call her, her real
name? Who are her friends? Where does she go to when you
give her some off days?
Should you be concerned about all this?
YES, you should because your loved ones, your treasured possessions
and your general safety are important. The girl working in your house
could be working contrary to your intentions because you do not
know what she will be up to when you are not at home during the day.
We have heard several horrifying stories of the actions of these
women such as giving information to strangers, stealing and
kidnapping and even food poisoning.
At the time you feel you can trust them, you end up being
disappointed and I mean very disappointed. Imagine leaving her at
home when you and your kids leave in the morning for school and
work, only to realise that she has combed your house and has taken all
your priceless posessions.
You may want to have them apprehended but who will you hold
responsible? Not your friend who introduced her because she does not
exactly know her, and at that same moment you discover the person
you had put your trust in is not who you thought she was, you end up
disappointed, enduring losses of properties and, maybe, lives.
It is important to give the security of your life and property a
priority. It begins by being careful who opens your door for people.
She could open i t to invite harm indoors.
What to Do Next?
The smart way to guarantee the safety of your home from the
nefarious activities of criminal- minded house maids - as they are
popularly called - is to hire trusted people. Get your house maid from
registered agencies and make sure you have their full details, so that
in case anything happens, you know who to hold responsible.
Get professionals to be your housemaids because professional maids
are not just ordinary men or women; they are employees of registered
companies. Meaning, in the event of theft or any other loses; these men
or women can be traced back to their parent companies. They are not
freelancers who don’t have corporate entity to hold responsible. They
are trusted because they are ambassadors of their parent company.
Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish; security is not an expense,
but an investment against loss.TP
The Parade - Zimbabwe’s Most Read Lifestyle Magazine
April 2013
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