The Parade April 2013 | Page 40

Tips & Advice Offensive Tendencies in Public Tinotenda Chikohora I t has been a long busy day at work, and you remember responding to texts you have been ignoring at work before you get home. But the guy sitting next to you in a kombi keeps dropping surreptitious peeps on your phone and you are becoming nervous! Nothing can be unpleasant as that, but alas, numerous offensive tendencies have gone unquestioned. Is it ignorance, or the signs the of times for society to start normalizing the abnormal? Gone are the days when people spoke highly of manners. Now people display distasteful behaviuors daily in public and yet societal expectations shape individual behaviuors. Here, The Parade lists the puzzling and the downright pig-ugly tendencies that were suggested by readers; peeping on someone’s phone message(s) being among them. Exposing the butt line Didn’t people use to complain about baring the umbilical cord? It has gotten worse; it’s the butt crack now. More often than not, people have looked aside ashamed when one’s pants expose the butt-line in commuter omnibuses. Though people do not caution you about it, this tendency is common among ladies using public transport. So in the event that one is using public transport, it is advisable not to put on low-cuts (clothes with a lower waistline) as this tendency is grossly repulsive to fellow passengers. Being ashamed of oneself is bad enough; and shaming other people over your behaviuor is unimaginable. Urinating in public Disgusting odorous streets characterise most of our towns because of this repulsive act which has been left rampant. What is more disturbing is that men no longer mind passers-by. Long back, people would camouflage in bushes, but now they just huddle in a corner or lean on a tree to urinate. Many-a-times, drunkards even urinate on beer halls walls or public toilets doorsteps. Most have been left to go unpunished for long. What’s the point of having public toilets if people can urinate anywhere? In other states, public urination has been charged as indecent exposure, Page 40 The Parade - Zimbabwe’s Most Read Lifestyle Magazine warranting a jail sentence and yet it’s taken lightly here probably because most folks were used to the bush- system. (Check rural to urban migration statistics) Speaking vulgar in public Do people still mind abusive language in public? I guess not. Commuter omnibus drivers and conductors are leading the charge to normalising abusive language in public and the police seem not to mind as well. This can be very embarrassing, especially in the company of respectable elders! Is freedom of speech/expression a ticket to use profane and vulgar language in public? Removing shirts in public Hot summer weather is characterised by sleeveless tops and dresses, boob tubes, vests, among other aerating attires. Whilst men complain over halfnaked women roaming the streets in the name of summer wear, men have gone a step further by being totally topless in public. Whereas men jeer a woman treading the streets in skimpy tops, half naked men are left to do the same in a worse state than women in the pretence of feeling hot. Walking around topless is one very repulsive tendency which men have been left to do for too long. Research has shown that it is offensive to other people around as most of those half naked men won’t even have their body shaved. Smoking/drinking in public A recent trend is developing whereby people do not mind smoking and drinking in public transport, especially at night. Despite widespread knowledge of public smoking’s effects to other people, the society has cast a blind eye towards it. In other countries, smoking in public is a highly punishable offence and public services are divided into (outside) and non-smoking areas. Also, bottle-stores and pubs continue selling alcohol to minors. A prohibition without reinforcement is a mere waste of time. Being sensitive towards people around us makes us good citizens and once an action is regarded as a norm people adopt it as acceptable behavior. TP April 2013