The Parade April 2013 | Page 36

Fashion & Pageants Fashion nd the a City Model and Style Blogger Angeline Mandaba keeps you in touch with the latest fashion and beauty trends… nd Alert Tre Gone are the days when spikes, studs and leather were considered for rock stars and troubled teens. Ditch the goth spikes, studs and leather pieces because they have now gone glam. Must have-Touch of Gold Invest in accessories with solid gold detail on them to turn up the notch on your simple outfits. Beauty tip For radiant skin, get rid of dead skin cells by exfoliating at least once a week and remember to do it in a circular motion so as to promote blood flow. Did you know? Blackheads are formed when you scrub and not tone your skin. This opens pores and dust settles in. Page 36 The Parade - Zimbabwe’s Most Read Lifestyle Magazine April 2013