The Parade April 2013 | Page 35

Business, Careers & Technology from these areas. In Zimbabwe, market watchers say as long as the risk perception on Zimbabwe does not change drastically, the market would continue to benefit from global inflows. The African Development Bank (AfDB)’s economic outlook for this year suggests that average growth for most African countries, would be about 4.8 percent, especially with the gradual recovery of North A f r i c a n economies. “Africa’s economic prospects depend on many unpredictable factors. A key external risk involves the slowdown in the Eurozone, which may reduce the demand for African products, while lowering external resource flows, including remittances. “Domestic risks such as political upheavals with p o t e n t i a l spillovers to neighbours and severe weather, as the droughts ex p e r i e n c e d in the Sahel region, could reduce GDP growth and threaten food security,” said the AfDB. Given Africa’s rapidly growing population, the demographic pressure on labour markets will continue in many African countries, requiring all the stability possible to ensure youths are gainfully employed. TP The Parade - Zimbabwe’s Most Read Lifestyle Magazine Rate Card Material can be delivered physically or sent by e-mail. High resolution images are preferable. Files should be clearly and correctly named and saved. • eps (Encapsulated Post Script) or ai (Adobe Illustrator) version CS5 or below • pdf (Portable Document Format) version 8 or below • jpeg, jpg (Joint Photographic Experts Graphics) 320 dpi • cdr (Corel Draw) version 11 or below Terms and Conditions • Full payment must be made on receipt of invoice, before the magazine goes to press. Otherwise, the advert will not appear in the new issue. Terms are available on request. • All care will be taken with material supplied. However, The Parade will not be held liable for any errors, loss or damage that may occur. • All copy for advertisement is subject to the approval of the publisher, who reserves the right to cancel or suspend any advertisement. • Graphics designed in-house by The Parade will become the property of the advertiser. • NB: Please note that a 5% discount is offered when payment is submitted with artwork. 15% interest is charged on late payments, i.e. 30 days after the date of invoice. ADVERT SIZE PRICE DOUBLE SPREAD 29.7 x 42 cm A3 LANDSCAPE = 2 full pages of advertising space $1 200.00 BACK COVER A4 PORTRAIT = 1 full page of advertising on the back page 21 x 29.7 cm $1 000.00 INSIDE COVER FRONT/BACK A4 PORTRAIT = 1 full page of advertising on the inside of the cover 21 x 29.7 cm $960.00 FIRST PAGES (3, 5,7) A4 PORTRAIT = 1 full page of advertising 21 x 29.7 cm $890.00 LAST PAGE A4 PORTRAIT = 1 full page of advertising on the last page 21 x 29.7 cm $850.00 FULL PAGE A4 PORTRAIT = 1 full page of advertising space 21 x 29.7 cm $700.00 HALF PAGE Half an A4 landscape (or Half an A4 Long wise – 10.5 x 29.7cm) 14.8 x 21cm $390.00 QUARTER PAGE Half A5 portrait 10.5 x 14.8cm $250.00 HALF A QUARTER PAGE Quarter A5 Landscape 10.5 x 7.4cm $150.00 DOUBLE PAGE BANNER This will appear either on the top or bottom of the page 5 x 42cm $270.00 SINGLE PAGE BANNER This will appear either on the top or bottom of the page 5 x 21cm $150.00 HALF PAGE BANNER This will appear either on the top or bottom of the page 5 x 10.5cm $110.00 CLASSIFIEDS Small but effective $50.00 6.0 x 6.5cm PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DEPENING ON THE INCREASE IN CIRCULATION REVISED 05 FEBRUARY 2013 April 2013 Page 35