The pain behind the smile (May. 2014) | Page 22

It all started when I got accepted to play for the basketball team at my high school. I thought I was everything. I felt like I was on top of the world nothing could touch me. I was a good student I always kept my grades up. I always made my parents proud I was an honor students straight A’s. Never got in trouble, but when I started to play basketball I got mixed in with the wrong group the one that your parents always tell you not to talk to. I was part of the group that would pick on me back in middle school. So I don't know why I thought it was ok to pick on Marcel he was just like me expect he didn't look like me he would wear a button up shirt and khaki pants every day. He had black ray bans for glasses and he had braces. He was just starting out his high school you could see the fear in high eyes on his first day when he moved there and I think I just made it worst.

He would try to keep to himself he just want to come to school and leave with having any trouble. But my best friend at the time thought it would be fun to mess with him to show him who we are and what we could do to him if he ever stepped out of line. So every time we saw him in the hallway we would go up to him shove, him drop his books on the floor. I felt bad for him but I needed to fit in with the cool kids to keep my image.

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