Heading east from Lulworth , the rock formations and inlets remain spectacular ; however , this whole section is a large military firing range which needs checking for opening and prohibited landing areas . Tow back isn ’ t a big issue here , but there can be long sections of commitment needed for your paddles , and the ledges at Kimmeridge should not be underestimated as , in the right conditions , this is a local favourite surf hangout with large waves forming . It ’ s at Kimmeridge that the latest dinosaur was discovered and recently shown on the BBC . The newly identified Pilosaur is exhibited at the Etchers Fossil collection and is a must-visit if you are planning your trip from Kimmeridge . https :// www . theetchescollection . org
Paddling around the Isle of Purbeck is a notch above most of the trip paddles along the Jurassic Coast , except Portland ; this is again due to the impenetrable cliffs and impossible landings but also the strong currents and tidal races that form on various headlands around the coast . As we paddle east , we can stop at Chapman Pool , which has some access if you decide an escape is needed before committing to the races at St Albans head .
It is then 7km of cliffs to pass the tidal races at Dulston Head ; however , there is a chance to stop at
Dancing Ledges before it , but I wouldn ’ t enjoy the hike up the hill and the scrambles to try to escape from here . Having passed Durlston head , you are then exposed to the overfall at Peveril Point at the entrance to the seaside town of Swanage , with its welcomed landing , attractions , and sandy shores .
The last section is to head from Swanage to Studland , past the white cliffs and pinnacles of Old Harry rocks . The focus here is on the beautiful rock shapes , caves and weaving features , with a fun tidal race to challenge you as you round the final pinnacle of Old Harry . Landing at one of Studland beaches we say goodbye to the Jurassic rock and welcome the Cretaceous period of geology which signifies the end of the Jurassic coast and its wonderful natural history and fossilised dinosaurs .
So next time you ’ re paddling wherever that might be in the world , take a moment to connect to a time lost when dinosaurs roamed the land , but sea monsters like pliosaurs and ichthyosaurs swam in the sea . As you paddle over the depths , imagine their power ’ s sheer size and magnitude and pay a little respect to how feeble we are in comparison . I think we all remember learning about dinosaurs as a child , but it ’ s not often as adults a place can stimulate and inspire the inner child like the Jurassic Coast does . So , if you are visiting , make sure to visit one of the fabulous visitor centres along the coast to help fire up your imagination and make your paddling journey one to remember .