The Paddler Magazine Issue 70 Early Spring 2023 | Page 57

3 . Night paddles are always worth the effort for the sunrise reward

3 . Night paddles are always worth the effort for the sunrise reward

I had 1,200km to paddle , so I had to take every possible weather window and tidal opportunity to progress around the coast . This regularly meant getting on the water at stupid times . There was a string of ridiculous timings along the north coast , where on successive nights , I was setting off at midnight , 01:00 , and 02:00 . The lack of rest and disturbed sleep routine was hell . I questioned what on Earth I was doing several times when my alarm went off at 01:00 , and I had to force food down , pack bags and don soggy kit ready for another eight-hour stint on the water .
But every time the sun began to poke its head over the horizon , my purpose , love , and determination for my actions were solidified . I would take a moment to watch in wonder as the sky turned from orange to pink to purple , and islands and headlands began to become visible . One very special morning on the north coast , I watched as an otter silently surfaced between my board and land . The cold mornings and exhaustion and discomfort are forgotten as soon as